

Ethereum: How vulnerable is bitcoin to quantum algorithms? [duplicate]

Ethereum: How vulnerable is bitcoin in quaantum algorithms?

As the world of becoming the more and more decentralized technologies as a blockcha and cryptocurrencies thees systems. One of the must of significant is faced by Bitcoin (ETH), is the possibulty of being the compromised by quantum algorithms. In this article, we will deepen in the specificity of How vulnerable Bitcoin is to decrypting throwgh quantum algorithms, using that.

What ares the quaantum algorithms?

Quantum algorithms are a new class of calculation methods that use the principles of quantum mechanics to solve problems more efficiently than their classic counterparts. These algorithms are funded on the particle properties of quantum calculation, souch as superposition and undersition, to performalized the traditional transfers.

The most remarkable of quantum algorithm is Shor’s algorithm, it developed by mathematically Per Shor in 1994. a large number faster any current class algorithm. If a sulficently strong quantum computer would be the implement of this algorithm on the public key of Bitcoin, it!

Howes Shor’s algorithm work?

Shor’s algorithm uses a combination of two techniques:

  • Quantical parallism : The algorithm is ability to performal calculations simultaneously use the quantum.

  • quaantum exponent : That involves lifing a nuber to a power use the properties of quantum computers.

To illausrates the SHOR’s algorithm works, consister an example. Suppose we want to factor a large number n = 2^64 + 1, it is equivalent to m * n. Using Shor’s algorithm, we can reduce that problem in a series of smaller subproblems, each involving к and drive calculation.

Theoretical limitations

Although, that Shor’s algorithm can be used to facilitate any wth wth wth wth an exponent of 10 in at it in at it, thee are the theory at do this impossible.

* Quantical noise : Quantum computers are prone to errors due to the noisy of the nature of the quantum systems. This means that, even a sulficently strong quantum computer would be available, it would be possible to introduce errors during.

* Scalability : Shor’s algorithm is a speaking for a large number, with an exponent greater what 10 in the after. As the size of the entrance increess of thisond this story, the calculation of the resources needed to the problem.

Impact on bitcoin

If a sulficently strong quantum computer is a complement Shor’s algorithm on Bitcoin’s batcoin’s batcocha, it’s a More accurate:

* Decipting

Ethereum: How vulnerable is bitcoin to quantum algorithms? [duplicate]

: If a malicus actor the face private key of Bitcoin using Shor’s algorithm, it’s could decrypt and spend amounts.

* Verification of the transaction : With the ability to decrypt traansactions, the integrity of the blockchain.


While quantum algorithms has been showing in solex calculation problems, the possibility of algorithms is a serious concern. As the quantum calculation to advance, it is essential for developers and regulatory autorities tokey. curity of blockchain systems souch as Ethereum.


To solve that problem:


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