

Metamask: Hardhat chainID 31337 not changed to 1337 of Metamask localhost

Here is a possible article:

Problem of identification of the Metamask chain on Hardhat

I recently endangered a problem when setting up my Metamask I Hardhat portfolio, an Ethereum Popular development environment. More specifically, I was trying to take off Chainid: 1337 'instantly of the" 31337 "planned.

The problem:

My Hardhat.config.js daughter had already included the following configuration:


Export module = {

Solidity: "0.8.17",

Networks: {

Localhost: {

Host: "Localhost",

Port: 8545,

Chainid: 1337



// ... all configurations



The solution:

While you turn, the problem is to have a "chainid" currency in the Hardhat configuration. More specifically, I included31337 ‘instantaneous 1337’.

To solve this problem, I simply reduced my Hardhat.config.js net to its original content:


Export module = {

Solidity: "0.8.17",

Networks: {

Localhost: {

Host: "Localhost",

Port: 8545,

Chainid: 1337



// ... all configurations



What was wrong?

In the inflection to ESE31337 ‘as” Chainid “, I was instantly imported to imports. It is the “chainid” currency.

Prevention and solutions:

Too much more than future, it is essential to:

  • Carefully examine your Hardhat.config.js net and insured.

  • Check that you edit the channel ID currency planned for Metamask.

  • Library or configuration tool that can “Chainid” value from Metamask.

By storing these precautions, you will make sure to configure your hard environment with a correct “chainid” currency and avoid

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